Calpurnia's Dream

Calpurnia's Dream
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viernes, 24 de junio de 2016



A few nundina later, maybe a full moon afterwards, Cornelia gave me a crimson leather

tubular container. Once all by myself, having made sure that nobody would disturb me,
I tore off the seal, which happened to be Cornelia’s.

“My little Cornelia:
As you may see, it’s impossible for me to transmit you all that this letter contains face
to face, nourishing myself on that beautiful clean energy that pours out of your being...
Perhaps today, while you are reading this, I will be on my way to the islands which are
beyond the Roman Sea. In other words, the city we call Gades, very near the place
where your husband is now fighting Pompeius’ followers’ remaining resistance. As you
can imagine, this is not my last farewell but many seasons must still go by before I
return to Rome...

Several nundina after our last meeting, I had the chance of visiting the queen of the

Nile. It was Cornelia, who, thanks to having been your husband’s former mother-in-law,
made that possible. Quite a hectic daily life, that of Ptah’s incarnated daughter...I think
that being introduced by Cornelia as someone who is knowledgeable on the arcane
wisdom that Tyrrhenians bequeathed to Rome was quite favourable for me. By the
way, your lord has such a beautiful mansion...Haven’t you ever been there, Calpurnia?
And those gardens which, as I have been informed by a trusty person, will probably be
given to Roman people. Forests of trees that have been taken from his military
expeditions in the East and Hispania.... Reborn Isis herself had the kindness of
showing and describing them to me. Despite all that aura of gold, precious gems and
heavy clothing that heightened and simultaneously masked that fragile though deadly
creature, she is no more than a scarce wrapping of brownish skin covering that small
body which looks like a youthful mummy, despite the ambiguous brightness of her
large eyes, crowned by dense black eyelashes within that dark henna frame and that
masterfully devised smile in her fleshy lips, whose flashing gloss could have been
achieved with some kind of cosmetics that are completely unknown to me. Yes, she
was aware how deeply I was noticing it all as if reading a map, each voice inflection,
undertone and musical shade she thoughtfully gave to each syllable or word

throughout our talk on Etruscan lore and its rites and aruspices’ books... and also on

the arcane wisdom of that remote race who mostly disappeared under the sea and
whose survivors brought all that unique knowledge to the lands of the Nile, that wisdom
which, according to what Alexandrians say, inspired divine Thot during his mortal years
and taught us about the seven degrees of existence which throw a light over our origin,
yours and mine, our mothers’ and that of Tyrrhenian nymphs, Egeria and Vegeria,
those who begot the Sibyls’ knowledge....Through Calpurnius Piso, that tireless book
purchaser, you must have certainly heard of Tarquinius Priscus’ traduction of Aegeria’s
revelation to Airuns Velthumnus... I tried to control my voice as carefully as possible so
as to avoid being influenced by my interlocutor as I went on gradually unveiling all that
wisdom that we must surely share about what had once been revealed by Thot –
called Hermes Trismegistus by the Greek – and telling her how they may be related to
diverse aspects of Tyrrhenian lore. Then I could see some kind of puzzlement in that
look, which any other man would certainly find alien to simple human nature. Like that
voice, which she plays like a musical instrument according to a given number of
combinations that allow her to weave some sort of... tapestry, richest in deep shades....
That’s the right which to merge the person she has in front so as to
make him become a part of the story it depicts. Yes, no doubt that hermetic truth
according to which everything vibrates is something that not only has she fully grasped
but also practised as well. That ability to transform herself into a vibrating force beyond
her fleshy being, beyond simply human capacity...No wonder it has caused devastating
effects on your husband, the same that other men will suffer in the future…including
that stupid Antonius? No, I don’t think this blockhead might ever be stimulated by such
a subtlety as hers...
Through our conversation, studying the depth of her eyes despite her own will, she was
transmitting me so much more than what her words on ancient lore were telling me.
Having recently been more often in contact with the Dictator than you has enabled her
to witness certain frailties of his and even some tokens of incipient decadence which
you haven’t had the chance to notice. I think that so many years of physical challenges
have begun to leave their traces on him, something that has been enhanced by this
new phase of exaltation beyond his human nature which he seems to be...,enjoying?.
Cleopatra is ambitious but utterly aware of her youth, so cruelly alien to this fragile man
– yes, no matter what he has become or his alleged divine ancestry – who is starting to
grow into an elderly man. It’s even said that he even spent many sleepless nights,
devoted to banqueting, trying to avoid the risk of being murdered in his sleep. Imagine
the consequences of all this nutritional chaos on someone who has always been so
austere regarding food all through his life...If he should pass away....could you imagine
all the power the queen of Egypt would accumulate if she already were his wife? We
must veil for him, Calpurnia. I don’t know how... Who knows if they might have made a
secret agreement, according to any sort of peculiar Egyptian law that may enable the
Almighty She-Pharaoh to... demand whatever thing the wife to the King of Rome may

have the right to get? I clearly remember the doings of these oriental courts and
particular of those scheming eunuchs. Who can deny he has already included her in
his will?
Anyway, during the rest of the time I spent there I attempted to carry out that task you
had already begun some time before. Frankly speaking, I couldn’t expect you would be
able to develop such a power during that... trance-like experience? which moved your...
let’s call it like this... subtle being... to the boat trip through the Nile both of them were
enjoying .The Nile, again transformed in great life generating force thanks to the doings
of fertilized reborn Isis. Yes, as I once told you before, not only have I remembered the
principle of vibration but also that other one which claims that what is human and what
is divine are both the same thing. Both of them are fulfilled in her .But, nevertheless,
couldn’t it all be a coincidence? I had the strong feeling that Fertile Mother Goddess
won’t wear Isis’ face before New Alexander ever again...
As you must have perceived, I’ve impregnated this letter with a variety of incense that
is pregnant with clove and rosemary, so that my wish to veil after you may manifest
itself at its due height.

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