Calpurnia's Dream

Calpurnia's Dream
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sábado, 30 de julio de 2016



My venerable master Kornel:

It is not my usual task to write letters, but I have thought that this would be the most fitful way to get in touch with you. I can see that it is sensible of you not to come and visit me at Domus Publica, even accompanied by Cornelia. She must have let you know that my husband is surrounded by many enemies who are awaiting the first chance to destroy him .The purpose of my letter is to ask you for advice about how to fulfil a promise that I once made to your kinswoman, priestess Blodwynn, in exchange of her help to... You know what I am talking about and how hard it is for me to put it into words, specially these days, when thinking about my own pride makes me feel embarrassed, knowing that my lord’s safety should be my first priority. I promised her that I would have a temple built in order to honour Gaul’s Great Mother Goddess if I could get what I aimed at with her aid. To be honest, I still cannot see if I have really attained that. However, I feel somehow responsible for what is damaging my home since I have not been able to reward your generosity properly.... Kornel, I pray you, what should I do? I miss your comfort and counselling now, though I know that perhaps my duty as a patrician matron is to face this by myself, handling this deep hovering isolation, only broken by Marcia and Cornelia’s loyalty...Is this the real meaning of being Calpurnia Pisonis Caesonina, wife to the future king of Rome? In this period of my life –I cannot deny it –you are replacing that figure which should be embodied by my father ...and perhaps even my husband,

I’ m awaiting your answer with the respect and affection which might be suitable to a pupil.

Calpurnia Pisonis Caesonina”

My worshipped Calpurnia Caesaris, daughter to Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus.
I am really grateful for that affection that you want to express in your letter, but I consider it improper that you may find something that you should find in your husband within myself, though I quite well know that nowadays it is utterly unlikely to expect that of him, as his worst danger lies among the senators, since, as you know, they are playing a double game. It is strange but it seems that his desire of becoming the most prominent member of gens Iulia is dangerously clouding his mind, causing him to disdain that ancient hatred which Roman people have always felt against monarchy. However, I would not admit that it is this little She-Pharaoh who is fooling him that way... I would rather think that he believes himself to be in the hands of some unavoidable destiny which can only drive him to absolute glory. You know that he is not reluctant to dress himself up in the same fashion as the Tarquinii, Servius Tulius or reborn Jupiter to attend Latin festivity on the last Ides of January...Why should he have set up that parody of hiring people to acclaim him as their king so that he would later make it clear by mentioning Marcii Reges as his ancestry, as if unaware of what it all meant, this playing on words? He is trying to find a subtle means to be officially accepted as a king. And he knows that there are all kinds of opinions about it. Therefore, any unanimous acclamation would be unthinkable.... Calpurnia... you know that I have contacts not only on Palatine Hill but also in Subura...I will do my best to get as much information as possible on anything that could be being plotted against your husband.
Frankly speaking, Calpurnia, I think that there is some frightening solid truth about that...You husband is going too far. As for the promise which you made to Blodwynn, do not worry about it. Some day Cornelia will give you a copy of our Astarte image from Gades so that, with your consent, we will put it in a suitable place, even in Cornelia’s domus. Moreover, we know that she has plenty of acquaintances who can spread her cult everywhere. It could even be masked as Venus Felix worshipping, for instance.
Do not hesitate to write me whenever you think that you should.
May the Fortunate Goddess veil your life and your husband’s.

My good master Kornel:
Your letter did me really good....But I do not wish you might think that the affection which should be addressed to my husband is being channelled to your feelings. Am I really doing it...? I hope you will understand this sort of... rambling, caused by this void loneliness –Yes, I think this is the right word – around myself. I fully thank your care and all your efforts to inform me about whatever sign which could prove that something is really being plotted against my husband. As for the offering I promised, I am sure that the Goddess will understand my tarrying and, therefore, she will not mind waiting..
Do receive all my daughter-like affection.
Calpurnia Caesaris”

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